Road Race - Details of this years race
8th May 2011

This years Bec Road Race looks like being another classic. The field is again full and there's a growing reserve list...
View - Rider List / Reserve list
Download - Rider List / Programme
Rickards Hall, Edenbridge Kent TN8 5AR map (Entrance on foot only from the High Str, next to Ye Old Crown PH).
Unfortunately our regular HQ is being redeveloped, so this year we'll be using Rickards Hall which is on the high street in Edenbridge. There is no car parking at the HQ, however the town centre has plenty of parking and then it's only a short walk or ride to the HQ.
- Riders - Market Yard Car Park - From High Str, turn down Croft Lane then follow parking signs, 1 min walk to HQ
- Race Covey / Marshalls Leathermarket Car Park (Entrance on the High Str, opposite King and Queen PH), 1 min walk to HQ
(photo below shows the entrance to the HQ, next to Old Crown Ph)