Bec 10 Mile TT Event Cancelled
26th August 2019
Bec 10 Mile TT Event Cancelled
Unfortunately, due to reasons outside of our control, we have had to cancel the open 10 mile TT which was due to be held on Saturday 31st August on the G10/42 course. There are ongoing water works at the entry onto the A24 from Spook Hill which significantly obscure the view of both riders and vehicles at this junction point, meaning that the course is not safe for use at this time. The decision has been left as late as possible in the hope that the works would progress on time and obstructions cleared prior to the event, but it is now clear this will not be the case.
Apologies to all riders who had entered – refund of the event entry fee will be processed by the CTT. We are always keen to put on great events and the decision has not been taken lightly, but the safety of riders and other road users has to take priority. Thanks for your understanding.